Source code for

import math
import MetaTrader5 as Mt5
from abstractEasyT import trade
from supportLibEasyT import log_manager

[docs]class Trade(trade.Trade): """ This class is responsible to handle all the trade requests. """
[docs] def __init__(self, symbol: str, lot: float, stop_loss: float, take_profit: float ): """ It is allowed to have only one position at time per symbol, right now it is not possible to open a position and increase the size of it or to open opposite position. Open an open position will close the other direction one. Args: symbol: It is the symbol you want to open or close or check if already have an operation opened. lot: It is how many shares you want to trade, many symbols allow fractions and others requires a certain amount. It can be 0.01, 100.0, 1000.0, 10000.0. stop_loss: It is how much you accept to lose. Example: If you buy a share for US$10.00, and you accept to lose US$1.00 you set this variable at 1.00, you will be out of the operation at US$9.00 (sometimes more, somtime less, the US$9.00 is the trigger). Keep in mind that some symbols has different points metrics, US$1.00 sometimes can be 1000 points. take_profit: It is how much you accept to win. Example: If you buy a share for US$10.00, and you accept to win US$1.00 you set this variable at 1.00, you will be out of the operation at US$11.00 (sometimes more, somtime less, the US$11.00 is the trigger). Keep in mind that some symbols has different points metrics, US$1.00 sometimes can be 1000 points. """ self._log = log_manager.LogManager('metatrader5')'Logger Initialized in Trade') self.symbol = symbol.upper() self.lot = lot self.stop_loss = stop_loss self.take_profit = take_profit self.ticket = None self.points = Mt5.symbol_info(self.symbol).trade_tick_size self._trade_allowed = False self.trade_direction = None # 'buy', 'sell', or None for no position self.position_check()
[docs] def normalize(self, price: float) -> float: """ This function normalize the price to ensure a precision that is required by the platform Args: price: It is the price that you want to be normalized, usually is the last price to open a market position. Returns: It returns the float price normalized under a precision that is accepted by the platform. Examples: >>> # All the code you need to execute the function: >>> from metatrader5EasyT.initialization import Initialize >>> from import Trade >>> initialize = Initialize() >>> initialize.initialize_platform() >>> initialize.initialize_symbol('EURUSD') >>> eurusd_trade = Trade(symbol='EURUSD', lot=1.0, stop_loss=1.0, take_profit=1.0) >>> # The normalize function is used inside other functions, but the idea is to normalize the value to >>> # be accepted in the trade request. If you want to see this function in action you can look at >>> # open_buy() and open_sell() >>> eurusd_trade.normalize(12.3456789) 12.34 """'Normalizing the price') return math.floor(float(self.points * round(price / self.points)) * 100) / 100
[docs] def open_buy(self) -> None: """ This functions when called send a buy request to Metatrader5 with the parameters in the attributes. Returns: It returns None, but if an error occurs when open a position it will break. Examples: Try this on your demo account with fake money, a position will be opened. >>> # All the code you need to execute the function: >>> from metatrader5EasyT.initialization import Initialize >>> from import Trade >>> initialize = Initialize() >>> initialize.initialize_platform() True 2022-03-11 04:47:29,903 WARNING - initialize_platform - "Algotrading" not allowed! You cannot open position, but you can retrieve data. If you want to open positions, please, go to Metatrader5 and press the button "Algotrading." >>> initialize.initialize_symbol('EURUSD') >>> eurusd_trade = Trade(symbol='EURUSD', lot=1.0, stop_loss=1.0, take_profit=1.0) >>> # When I try to open a position and the Algotrading is not allowed on Metatrader5 I got a warning. >>> eurusd_trade.open_buy() 2022-03-11 04:48:37,068 ERROR - open_buy - Something went wrong: Position Not Found for symbol EURUSD! Last Error: (1, 'Success') >>> # But when I allow algotrading, I return None, you can see at Metatrader5 that a buy position was opened. >>> eurusd_trade.open_buy() None >>> # Just for curiosity, if you want to try to open a sell position with this buy opened you will close >>> # the buy position >>> eurusd_trade.open_sell() None """ price = Mt5.symbol_info_tick(self.symbol).ask self.ticket = (Mt5.positions_get(symbol=self.symbol)[0].ticket if len( Mt5.positions_get(symbol=self.symbol)) == 1 else 0)'BUY Order sent: {self.symbol},' f' {self.lot} lot(s),' f' at {price},' f' stoploss:{self.normalize(price - self.stop_loss)},' f' takeprofit: {self.normalize(price + self.take_profit)}.') request = { "action": Mt5.TRADE_ACTION_DEAL, "symbol": self.symbol, "volume": self.lot, "type": Mt5.ORDER_TYPE_BUY, "price": price, "sl": self.normalize(price - self.stop_loss), "tp": self.normalize(price + self.take_profit), "deviation": 5, "magic": 7777, "comment": "easyT!", "type_time": Mt5.ORDER_TIME_GTC, "type_filling": Mt5.ORDER_FILLING_RETURN, "position": (Mt5.positions_get(symbol=self.symbol)[0].ticket if len( Mt5.positions_get(symbol=self.symbol)) == 1 else 0) } result = Mt5.order_send(request) if result is None or result.retcode != Mt5.TRADE_RETCODE_DONE: self._log.logger.error(f'Something went wrong: Position Not Found for symbol {self.symbol}!' f' Last Error: {Mt5.last_error()}') else:'Change trade direction to BUY.') self.trade_direction = 'buy'
[docs] def open_sell(self): """ This functions when called send a sell request to Metatrader5 with the parameters in the attributes. Returns: It returns None, but if an error occurs when open a position it will break. Examples: Try this on your demo account with fake money, a position will be opened. >>> # All the code you need to execute the function: >>> from metatrader5EasyT.initialization import Initialize >>> from import Trade >>> initialize = Initialize() >>> initialize.initialize_platform() True 2022-03-11 04:47:29,903 WARNING - initialize_platform - "Algotrading" not allowed! You cannot open position, but you can retrieve data. If you want to open positions, please, go to Metatrader5 and press the button "Algotrading." >>> initialize.initialize_symbol('EURUSD') >>> eurusd_trade = Trade(symbol='EURUSD', lot=1.0, stop_loss=1.0, take_profit=1.0) >>> # When I try to open a position and the Algotrading is not allowed on Metatrader5 I got a warning. >>> eurusd_trade.open_sell() 2022-03-11 04:57:08,628 ERROR - open_sell - Something went wrong: Position Not Found for symbol EURUSD! Last Error: (1, 'Success') >>> # But when I allow algotrading, I return None, you can see at Metatrader5 that a buy position was opened. >>> eurusd_trade.open_sell() None >>> # Just for curiosity, if you want to try to open a buy position with this sell opened you will close >>> # the sell position >>> eurusd_trade.open_buy() None """ price = Mt5.symbol_info_tick(self.symbol).bid self.ticket = (Mt5.positions_get(symbol=self.symbol)[0].ticket if len( Mt5.positions_get(symbol=self.symbol)) == 1 else 0)'SELL Order sent: {self.symbol},' f' {self.lot} lot(s),' f' at {price},' f' stoploss:{self.normalize(price - self.stop_loss)},' f' takeprofit: {self.normalize(price + self.take_profit)}.') request = { "action": Mt5.TRADE_ACTION_DEAL, "symbol": self.symbol, "volume": self.lot, "type": Mt5.ORDER_TYPE_SELL, "price": price, "sl": self.normalize(price + self.stop_loss), "tp": self.normalize(price - self.take_profit), "deviation": 5, "magic": 7777, "comment": "easyT", "type_time": Mt5.ORDER_TIME_GTC, "type_filling": Mt5.ORDER_FILLING_RETURN, "position": (Mt5.positions_get(symbol=self.symbol)[0].ticket if len( Mt5.positions_get(symbol=self.symbol)) == 1 else 0) } result = Mt5.order_send(request) if result is None or result.retcode != Mt5.TRADE_RETCODE_DONE: self._log.logger.error(f'Something went wrong: Position Not Found for symbol {self.symbol}!' f' Last Error: {Mt5.last_error()}') else:'Change trade direction to SELL.') self.trade_direction = 'sell'
[docs] def position_open(self, buy: bool, sell: bool) -> str or None: """ This function receives two bool variables, buy and sell, if one of this variable is true and the other is false, it opens a position to the side that is true, if both variable is true or both variable is false, it does not open a position. Args: buy: When buy is TRUE it receives a positive signal to open a position. When false, it is ignored. sell: When sell is TRUE it receives a positive signal to open a position. When false, it is ignored. Returns: It opens the position. Examples: Try this on your demo account with fake money, a position will be opened. >>> # All the code you need to execute the function: >>> from metatrader5EasyT.initialization import Initialize >>> from import Trade >>> initialize = Initialize() >>> initialize.initialize_platform() True 2022-03-11 04:47:29,903 WARNING - initialize_platform - "Algotrading" not allowed! You cannot open position, but you can retrieve data. If you want to open positions, please, go to Metatrader5 and press the button "Algotrading." >>> initialize.initialize_symbol('EURUSD') >>> eurusd_trade = Trade(symbol='EURUSD', lot=1.0, stop_loss=1.0, take_profit=1.0) >>> # When I try to open a position and the Algotrading is not allowed on Metatrader5, return None' >>> eurusd_trade.position_open(True, False) None >>> # I allowed Algotrading, but when I try again, I receive None again. >>> eurusd_trade.position_open(True, False) None >>> # That behavior is happening because the attribute eurusd_trade._trade_allowed, is False as default. >>> eurusd_trade._trade_allowed False >>> # This attribute will be handled in another project, that is why it exists. >>> # Let assign to True and see what happens: >>> eurusd_trade._trade_allowed = True >>> eurusd_trade._trade_allowed True >>> # Let try to open a position. >>> eurusd_trade.position_open(True, False) 'buy' >>> # It worked, lets try to double the position calling it again >>> eurusd_trade.position_open(True, False) 'buy' >>> # The function returns 'buy', but another position was not opened, it returns the current trade >>> # direction >>> # I will call an opposite direction to see what happens: >>> eurusd_trade.position_open(False, True) 'buy' >>> # The function returns 'buy', the position was not closed by trying to open another one in the opposite >>> # direction. No new position was opened, and it returns the current trade direction. >>> # I will close this position with eurusd_trade.position_close(), you can check what it does in the >>> # function documentation position_close() >>> eurusd_trade.position_close() None >>> # To finish, let see what happens if both arguments are True >>> eurusd_trade.position_open(True, True) None >>> # Nothing happens, but when both are False? >>> eurusd_trade.position_open(False, False) None >>> # Nothing happens """'Open position called. Buy is {str(buy)}, and sell is {str(sell)}. Trade allowed is ' f'{self._trade_allowed}.') self.position_check() if self._trade_allowed and self.trade_direction is None: if buy and not sell:'BUY is true, SELL is false') self.open_buy() self.position_check() if sell and not buy:'BUY is false, SELL is true') self.open_sell() self.position_check() return self.trade_direction
[docs] def position_close(self) -> None: """ This functions checks the trade direction, and it opens an opposite position to the current one to close it. If there is no position nothing happens. Returns: Close the current position by opening an opposite one. Examples: Try this on your demo account with fake money, a position will be opened. >>> # All the code you need to execute the function: >>> from metatrader5EasyT.initialization import Initialize >>> from import Trade >>> initialize = Initialize() >>> initialize.initialize_platform() True >>> initialize.initialize_symbol('EURUSD') >>> eurusd_trade = Trade(symbol='EURUSD', lot=1.0, stop_loss=1.0, take_profit=1.0) >>> eurusd_trade._trade_allowed = True >>> # Opening a position with Algotrading allowed and, eurusd_trade._trade_allowed True >>> # To know more about eurusd_trade._trade_allowed look the Examples in position_open() documentation. >>> eurusd_trade.position_open(False, True) 'sell' >>> # When there is a position opened, eurusd_trade.position_close() will open a position in a different >>> # direction to close it. >>> eurusd_trade.position_close() None # It checks the trading direction, return none when there is no trade opened. >>> eurusd_trade.trade_direction None # I will open a buy position, check the trade direction and close it! >>> eurusd_trade.position_open(True, False) 'buy' >>> eurusd_trade.trade_direction 'buy' >>> eurusd_trade.position_close() >>> # We can see that it worked! >>> # What happens when I call eurusd_trade.position_close() with no position opened? >>> eurusd_trade.position_close() None >>> # Nothing happens, there are no position to be closed. """'Close position called.') self.position_check() if self.trade_direction == 'buy':'Close BUY position.') self.open_sell() self.position_check() elif self.trade_direction == 'sell':'Close SELL position') self.open_buy() self.position_check()
[docs] def position_check(self) -> None: """ This function checks if there are a position opened and update the variable self.trade_direction. If there is no position, the self.trade_direction will be updated to None, else, it updates with the trade direction, which can be 'sell' or 'buy'. Returns: This function update the variable self.trade_direction and do not return a result. Examples: Try this on your demo account with fake money, a position will be opened. >>> # All the code you need to execute the function: >>> from metatrader5EasyT.initialization import Initialize >>> from import Trade >>> initialize = Initialize() >>> initialize.initialize_platform() True >>> initialize.initialize_symbol('EURUSD') >>> eurusd_trade = Trade(symbol='EURUSD', lot=1.0, stop_loss=1.0, take_profit=1.0) >>> eurusd_trade._trade_allowed = True >>> # Position check it is just to ensure that the eurusd_trade.trade_direction are in the right direction. >>> # The eurusd_trade.trade_direction is automatically handled by buy open_sell() and open_buy() and >>> # it returns the trade direction or None when there is no trade opened. >>> eurusd_trade.trade_direction None >>> eurusd_trade.position_open(True, False) 'buy' >>> eurusd_trade.trade_direction 'buy' >>> # After I open a buy position, it returns 'buy' to trade_direction, but, what happens if I manually >>> # change the direction? >>> eurusd_trade.trade_direction = 'coffee shop' None >>> eurusd_trade.trade_direction 'coffee shop' >>> # It is possible to see that the trade_direction was changed. >>> # and the position_check() is called in all the functions that opens and closes position >>> # to ensure that direction is correct, I will call position_check() to fix my change to 'coffee shop' >>> eurusd_trade.position_check() None >>> eurusd_trade.trade_direction 'buy' >>> # It worked. >>> # That is it, I will just the position that I opened before. >>> eurusd_trade.position_close() """'Calls Metatrader5 to check if there is a position opened.') result = Mt5.positions_get(symbol=self.symbol) if len(result) > 0:'There is a position opened.') if result[0].type == 0: # if buy'Set the trade direction to BUY') self.trade_direction = 'buy' elif result[0].type == 1: # if sell'Set the trade direction to SELL') self.trade_direction = 'sell' else:'There are no position opened.')'Set the trade direction to None') self.trade_direction = None