
class metatrader5EasyT.tick.Tick(symbol: str)[source]

Tick class is the responsible to retrieve every tick information.

__init__(symbol: str)[source]

symbol – It is the symbol you want information about. You can have information about time, bid, ask, last, volume.

change_symbol(new_symbol: str) None[source]

This function changes the symbol.


new_symbol – It receives the new symbol


It updates the self._symbol to the new symbol.

get_new_tick() None[source]

Everytime this function is called it update the last tick information, it is important to have update information know the most recent information.


It updates the attributes in the constructor.


>>> # All the code you need to execute the function:
>>> from metatrader5EasyT.initialization import Initialize
>>> from metatrader5EasyT.tick import Tick
>>> initialize = Initialize()
>>> initialize.initialize_platform()
>>> initialize.initialize_symbol('EURUSD')
>>> # It will return the most recent information, but it will return None at the first time.
>>> # The tick need the information to be updated everytime.
>>> eurusd_tick = Tick(symbol='EURUSD')
>>> eurusd_tick.ask
>>> # When you update the tick:
>>> eurusd_tick.get_new_tick()
>>> eurusd_tick.ask
>>> eurusd_tick.bid
>>> # You must have notice that I used bid and ask, some exchanges do not return the last value
>>> # You can find only the information for bid and ask. If you try to return last it will print 0.0.
>>> # But remember, not all the exchanges do that, you must check it.
>>> eurusd_tick.last

You can ask for this information: time, bid, ask, last, volume.