
class metatrader5EasyT.rates.Rates(symbol: str, timeframe: metatrader5EasyT.timeframe.TimeFrame, count: int)[source]

This class is responsible to retrieve a certain amount of previous data.

__init__(symbol: str, timeframe: metatrader5EasyT.timeframe.TimeFrame, count: int)[source]
  • symbol – The symbol you want to retrieve previous data.

  • timeframe – The timeframe you want information, like 1 minute, 5 minute, 1 week. You can find all the timeframe available in the TimeFrame Class (metatrader5EasyT.timeframe).

  • count – It is the amount of information in the past you want. If your time frame is 5 minutes and your count is 4, it will return 4 values containing time, open, high, low, close, tick_volume information of this past 4 candlesticks.

change_count(new_count: int) None[source]

This function changes the count.


new_count – It receives the new new_count


It updates the self._count to the new count.


>>> # All the code you need to execute the function:
>>> from metatrader5EasyT.initialization import Initialize
>>> from metatrader5EasyT.timeframe import TimeFrame
>>> from metatrader5EasyT.rates import Rates
>>> initialize = Initialize()
>>> initialize.initialize_platform()
>>> initialize.initialize_symbol('EURUSD')
>>> timeframe = TimeFrame()
>>> # it will get the last 20 one minute candlestick information.
>>> eurusd_rates = Rates(symbol='EURUSD', timeframe=timeframe.ONE_MINUTE, count=20)
>>> eurusd_rates.update_rates()
>>> len(eurusd_rates.close)
>>> # When you change the count, you need to update the information, and you can see that it worked.
>>> eurusd_rates.change_count(5)
>>> eurusd_rates.update_rates()
>>> len(eurusd_rates.close)

You can ask for this information: time, open, high, low, close, tick_volume.

change_symbol(new_symbol: str) None[source]

This function changes the symbol.


new_symbol – It receives the new symbol


It updates the self._symbol to the new symbol.

change_timeframe(new_timeframe: metatrader5EasyT.timeframe.TimeFrame) None[source]

This function changes the timeframe.


new_timeframe – It receives the new timeframe


It updates the self._timeframe to the new timeframe.

update_rates() None[source]

Everytime this function is called it update the last values, it is important to have update information to calculate indicators and ensure your trading strategy is working properly.


It updates the attributes in the constructor.


>>> # All the code you need to execute the function:
>>> from metatrader5EasyT.initialization import Initialize
>>> from metatrader5EasyT.timeframe import TimeFrame
>>> from metatrader5EasyT.rates import Rates
>>> initialize = Initialize()
>>> initialize.initialize_platform()
>>> timeframe = TimeFrame()
>>> initialize.initialize_symbol('EURUSD')
>>> # it will get the last 20 one minute candlestick information, but it will return none at the first time.
>>> # the rates need the information to be updated everytime.
>>> eurusd_rates = Rates(symbol='EURUSD', timeframe=timeframe.ONE_MINUTE, count=20)
>>> # The first time, if you try to get a rates information of the close price you will receive None
>>> eurusd_rates.close
>>> # But when you update the rates, the prices will be updated.
>>> eurusd_rates.update_rates()
>>> # And the rates will be returned for the information you want.
>>> eurusd_rates.close
array([1.10324, 1.10342, 1.10329, 1.10338, 1.10294, 1.10238, 1.10188,
1.10186, 1.10221, 1.10172, 1.1013 , 1.10069, 1.10097, 1.10104,
1.10081, 1.1003 , 1.10036, 1.10147, 1.10068, 1.10072])

You can ask for this information: time, open, high, low, close, tick_volume.