- class metatrader5EasyT.rates.Rates(symbol: str, timeframe: metatrader5EasyT.timeframe.TimeFrame, count: int)[source]¶
This class is responsible to retrieve a certain amount of previous data.
- __init__(symbol: str, timeframe: metatrader5EasyT.timeframe.TimeFrame, count: int)[source]¶
- Parameters
symbol – The symbol you want to retrieve previous data.
timeframe – The timeframe you want information, like 1 minute, 5 minute, 1 week. You can find all the timeframe available in the TimeFrame Class (metatrader5EasyT.timeframe).
count – It is the amount of information in the past you want. If your time frame is 5 minutes and your count is 4, it will return 4 values containing time, open, high, low, close, tick_volume information of this past 4 candlesticks.
- change_count(new_count: int) None [source]¶
This function changes the count.
- Parameters
new_count – It receives the new new_count
- Returns
It updates the self._count to the new count.
>>> # All the code you need to execute the function: >>> from metatrader5EasyT.initialization import Initialize >>> from metatrader5EasyT.timeframe import TimeFrame >>> from metatrader5EasyT.rates import Rates >>> initialize = Initialize() >>> initialize.initialize_platform() >>> initialize.initialize_symbol('EURUSD') >>> timeframe = TimeFrame() >>> # it will get the last 20 one minute candlestick information. >>> eurusd_rates = Rates(symbol='EURUSD', timeframe=timeframe.ONE_MINUTE, count=20) >>> eurusd_rates.update_rates() >>> len(eurusd_rates.close) 20 >>> # When you change the count, you need to update the information, and you can see that it worked. >>> eurusd_rates.change_count(5) >>> eurusd_rates.update_rates() >>> len(eurusd_rates.close) 5
You can ask for this information: time, open, high, low, close, tick_volume.
- change_symbol(new_symbol: str) None [source]¶
This function changes the symbol.
- Parameters
new_symbol – It receives the new symbol
- Returns
It updates the self._symbol to the new symbol.
- change_timeframe(new_timeframe: metatrader5EasyT.timeframe.TimeFrame) None [source]¶
This function changes the timeframe.
- Parameters
new_timeframe – It receives the new timeframe
- Returns
It updates the self._timeframe to the new timeframe.
- update_rates() None [source]¶
Everytime this function is called it update the last values, it is important to have update information to calculate indicators and ensure your trading strategy is working properly.
- Returns
It updates the attributes in the constructor.
>>> # All the code you need to execute the function: >>> from metatrader5EasyT.initialization import Initialize >>> from metatrader5EasyT.timeframe import TimeFrame >>> from metatrader5EasyT.rates import Rates >>> initialize = Initialize() >>> initialize.initialize_platform() >>> timeframe = TimeFrame() >>> initialize.initialize_symbol('EURUSD') >>> # it will get the last 20 one minute candlestick information, but it will return none at the first time. >>> # the rates need the information to be updated everytime. >>> eurusd_rates = Rates(symbol='EURUSD', timeframe=timeframe.ONE_MINUTE, count=20) >>> # The first time, if you try to get a rates information of the close price you will receive None >>> eurusd_rates.close None >>> # But when you update the rates, the prices will be updated. >>> eurusd_rates.update_rates() >>> # And the rates will be returned for the information you want. >>> eurusd_rates.close array([1.10324, 1.10342, 1.10329, 1.10338, 1.10294, 1.10238, 1.10188, 1.10186, 1.10221, 1.10172, 1.1013 , 1.10069, 1.10097, 1.10104, 1.10081, 1.1003 , 1.10036, 1.10147, 1.10068, 1.10072])
You can ask for this information: time, open, high, low, close, tick_volume.